Sometimes blogging just seems hard. I feel like I don't have anything terribly clever to say, or that my pictures aren't quite perfect. But the bottom line is, it doesn't have to be perfect. It's the story of my girls, written down for them to someday enjoy. Sounds pretty perfect to me.
So let's back up a bit, and cover a few things I missed...
Irish Festival in the Park
Our girls love to be outside. The reason doesn't matter, as long as there's fresh air and room to run. Add in a little music they can dance to, and it's their idea of heaven. So the annual Irish Festival is always a must.
A little break from dancing. |
Listening to some tunes, loving on Daddy. |
Lunch Fit for a Princess (or two...)
Here's another event we won't be missing anytime soon: Fondue Fairytale at the Melting Pot. It's a chance dress up, eat great food (well, maybe just the chocolate), and hang out with Disney's finest.
Princess Anna made Ava shy. |
"Abra Cadabra - turn this water into chocolate milk!" |
Cinderella is enchanted. |
And a Little Staycation
We are lucky enough to live in a place where the rest of the world likes to vacation, and we're smart enough to take advantage. At least once a year we book a hotel in Colorado Springs for a bit of R&R. This year, more than once. We always hit the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.
Oh, and did I mention that Andy tossed in 26.2 miles straight up and down a mountain during one of our little trips? Sir, you are my hero.
Watching our Garden Grow
As you probably know, food isn't exactly popular with Big Sister. So we decided a little gardening was in order. Food's much more interesting when you grow it yourself, right?
Andy put together a little garden box, we filled it with dirt, tossed in a few seeds, and hoped for the best. To be honest we didn't expect much.
Believe it or not, that silly little box yielded about a million tomatoes. I'm still kicking myself for not taking any pictures. I'll do better next year.
There was, of course much more, and I'll do my best to get to it. It feels good to be back.