Ava was sitting in her Bumbo on the bathroom counter yesterday watching me dry my hair, when she suddenly noticed the other baby sitting next to her. She's usually sitting in something that blocks her view of the mirror, so this is the first time she's really gotten a chance to "play" with her doppleganger. She spent the next 10 minutes talking to and touching her reflection. I love when she discovers new things.

It was during that same hair-drying session that Ava discovered her new favorite game; one I have affectionately dubbed "Mommy, Fetch!". All of you that have ever had small children are familiar with the rules: Mommy places a few colorful toys in front of baby to amuse her. Baby picks up the toys, one by one, and drops them on the floor. Baby stares at Mommy until she picks them up and gives them back. This can go on for hours. Baby always wins. Now I know there will come a day when I'll start to find this game tiresome, but for now I find it hilarious, and think my daughter is a genius for figuring it out. If anyone out there is tempted to burst my bubble on this one, just let me have my fun. Besides, I think it's good exercise.
Ava is very into faces right now, and loves when Andy and I get close enough for her to touch ours. The only problem is that she's stronger than she looks, so when she manages to fishhook a bottom lip, grab a nose, or poke an eye, it hurts. A lot. But she's so cute when she's doing it that neither one of us has the heart to stop her. No matter how many times a week I cut her nails they're still sharp enough to cut glass , so we look a little like we've been in a fight with a bunch of angry cats. Ask either one of us if we think its worth it. I think you know the answer. :)