Nope, that title is no typo. Since I was a kid, Halloween has gone from a single night of costume wearing and candy procurement, into a celebration the length of which is beginning to rival Hanukah. We kicked off the festivities in downtown Littleton the Saturday before the Big Day, Ava making use of her favorite mode of transportation (her dad) to gather treats from the local merchants.
Yes, she was dressed as a princess. If you're surprised by this choice, then you clearly have not been paying attention. |
And the girl was good. She zeroed in on whoever was holding the bucket of goodies, flashed a megawatt smile, and offered up her most polite "thank you" to each and every one. She was a hit.
Lila got in on the dress-up action too, but since she was covered in a blanket for the entire outing, all the good pictures were taken on the couch.
Sunday found us - same costumes, washed of the previous day's lollipop stains just in time - at Boo at the Zoo, Tuesday was Ava's Halloween party at school, and Wednesday was, of course, the day we had all been waiting for.
"Oh yeah, I'm wearing this dress. Now give me all your candy." |
Lila got her game face - and her mouse ears - on to help me hand out candy while Andy and Ava patrolled the neighborhood.
We'll be swimming in Halloween candy until Christmas, and the sugar high may last until Easter, but I'm loving that Halloween is a whole week now; think I can get away with doing this for our birthdays?