Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thanks, Mom.

My mom always encouraged my love of reading.  Never did I ask for a book that she didn't make sure I had it, and if she caught me up reading in the middle of the night, she took a minute to make sure I had proper lighting before she went back to bed.  I grew up loving all things literature, and promised myself I'd do my best to make sure I raised my kids the same way.  I think we're headed in the right direction.


Anybody up for a trip to the library?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fun, Party of Two (cont.)

Finding fun for both my girls at the same time is proving to be a little easier than I thought.  (Although, I'm sure I'll eat those words in a few years.)  Remember Little Monkey Bizness? 

Still awesome.  Squared.

Monday, February 18, 2013


My girls are surrounded by love.  The sheer volume of kisses planted on the children in this house might just be a little nuts.  So in honor of St. Valentine's Day, here is a bit of love, from our house to yours.

Let's begin with Grandma.  I've been told that being a parent doesn't hold a candle to how much fun it is to be a grandparent, and my mom is making a believer out of me. 

(Unfortunately, Ava didn't sit still long enough for me to get any good pictures of her with Grandma, but rest assured the snuggles were plentiful.)

I tried every tactic I know to talk Grandma into staying, but so far no luck.  But it is so wonderful to watch the mutual adoration between her and my girls.  They are so fortunate to have her.


Love doesn't always have to travel.  My sweet babies fill my living room with it every day.


Happy Valentine's Day.