I'm a little behind on this blogging thing, so I'll start from the beginning. Or Ava's beginning at least. Andy and I had taken all the baby classes, filled our house with tiny clothes, and bought every pink item sold at Baby's R Us. We pronounced ourselves prepared. And then she got here. The dazzling (and very sleepy) creature you see on the left here arrived on August 4, 2009 at 2:07pm, weighing in at 6lbs 8oz, and 18 inches long. Grandma Sally and Grandpa George were on hand to help us welcome her into the world.
Ava might not know it yet, but she's one lucky little girl. Since she was born the house (and phone lines, and email box) have been filled with people that love her - and are willing to change a diaper. To all of you, we send our sincere thanks. Ava, Andy, and I are so fortunate to have you in our lives.
Ava's already learned to smile, so we spend a fair amount of time making silly faces and dancing her around the house so we can see her grin. We haven't been able to catch it on camera yet, but hopefully we'll have a picture of that sweet little smile to post soon. In the meantime we're keeping the blinds closed.
At almost 3 months old, Ava's survived her first shots (thanks to her Aunt Marianne - I was crying in a chair. Pathetic, I know.), learned to hold her head up, impressed loved ones and strangers alike with her sassy sense of style, and wrapped everyone she's met - including the dog - around her dainty little finger. She really is an amazing little girl.