Here is a picture of Ava shamelessly petitioning for Christmas gifts in her "If you think I'm cute you should see my grandma" jammies. I told her this was never going to work unless her Grandma's actually
saw her in the jammies, so she insisted I take this picture and post it to her blog. She also said to post that she wants a pony. Told you she was shameless.
I'm beginning to learn where Mommy falls in the pecking order around here. Andy and I took Ava to dinner a couple of nights ago, and before the meal even landed

on the table she was loudly expressing her displeasure at being forced to face the prospect of yet another bottle of formula in the presence of Italian food. I picked her up and tried to reassure her that there was indeed lasagna in her future (once she gets some teeth - I was pretty clear on that point), but it was no use. She was mad. Until her Daddy took her, that is. She spent the rest of the meal quietly sitting on his lap. Guess the promise of lasagna has nothing on cuddles from Daddy. Oh well. They do make a pretty cute pair.
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