It's Ava's first Halloween! Her Grandma Sally bought her this adorable tiger costume, and we actually managed to get a picture of her flashing a little smile in it! I may be biased, but I think she looks pretty darn cute.
There was another first in the Lundstrom household yesterday. Drum roll please.....we left Ava with a babysitter for the very first time! Ok, so maybe the drum roll was a bit much, but it felt like a pretty big deal to us. Andy and I had tickets for Wicked (fabulous, by the way) and were really lucky that the couple that went with us has a terrific babysitter that agreed to watch all 3 girls. Terrific, and very patient. She didn't seem to mind at all that I made Kristi text her half a dozen times to check in. Hey, I may be annoying but I'm a great tipper.
Happy Halloween!