MAMA!! I'd be lying if I said I didn't campaign shamelessly for this, endlessly repeating those two syllables while we played, demonstrating how she needed to move her little lips to make it happen. I wasn't about to settle for "Hi". (Which, incidentally was my first word. It's
so 1976.) And I wasn't about to play second fiddle to something lame like "baba". She actually said it for the first time on Tuesday, but I was waiting to make the announcement until there were multiple repeat performances and an eyewitness so I could prove it wasn't just wishful thinking. If you need verification, please call Andy.
Ava started swimming lessons last night, and she was so cute. She wasn't thrilled for the first few minutes when she realized that this was not bath water, and therefore not at all warm, but once she warmed up she really seemed to enjoy herself. She's the youngest kid in her class, and didn't do much but kick her feet a little and chew on the pool toys, but just getting her used to the water will make pool time this summer so much more enjoyable for her. Plus, Andy and I think it's really fun. Here are some pictures and a short video of our little guppy. Enjoy!

She is getting so big! She sure looks cute in that swimsuit!