Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ye Olde Irish Ava

Ava decided that our little family needed to attend the local Irish Festival on Friday night to celebrate her heritage. And who were we to argue with such an important cultural experience? I mean, what kid shouldn't spend a Friday night listening to bagpipes and eating funnel cake? So, off we went.

She was a little confounded by the giant turkey legs, but quickly got over it and ate hers like a champ. (Ok, so I made that up. Sue me.)

Then had one too many Jameson's and passed out in her stroller. Kid can't hold her liquor.

(Just kidding, of course. It was Andy. But none of the pictures of him passed out in the stroller were any good.)

Our hot water heater has been broken for the last several days, so Andy and I have been taking our showers at the gym. But since Ava is the only one that fits in the sink (I know, I've tried.) and I can heat up just enough water on the stove for a teeny tiny bath, she gets to clean up without the need for shower shoes. I'm a little jealous. And she, of course, is happy no matter what she's doing.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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