I love that my girls have a sister. Sometimes when I'm talking to Ava I catch myself calling referring to Lila as "your sister" instead of using her name, just because I like the sound of it. I picture them as they get older, talking about boys, sharing makeup and clothes, fighting one day, uniting against Andy and I the next. And as they get older, spending hours on the phone talking about their lives and families. I love seeing how different they already are, and can't wait to see how that bonds them as they grow up.
Those phone calls will have to wait a while, however, as at the moment they don't have many common interests. Ava has seemingly overnight turned from a sweet little toddler, to a young lady now putting her many passions into practice. Case in point: she's now officially old enough to rock her love of music and dance in a dance class. She starts Monday and I'm not sure which one of us is more excited. Step 1 was (as always) getting the necessary shopping done.
The look on her face when she saw herself in this outfit for the first time was priceless. She spun around in front of the dressing room mirror in the dance shop exclaiming, "I'm a princess!" Watching her was the most fun I've had in a long time. It was hours (and a pretty serious chocolate milk stain) later before she finally agreed to take the leotard off. The shoes took a little longer. (And lest you panic, yes, the stain did come out.)
Lila's major concern at the moment revolves around finally getting her thumb into her mouth. And despite the fact that her sucess will eventully result in the Hurculean task of breaking her of the thumb-sucking habit (as well as a sizable orthodontist's bill), I have to admit I'm rooting for her to succeed. I find myself giving her a pep talk every time I see her trying to navigate the desired digit towards her mouth.
This is her "sneak-attack" approach. Maybe the thumb won't see her coming... |
This last bit just illustrates what I hear over and over again: "Every baby is different." My first girl was tiny. 6lbs 8oz, and 18 inches of delicate little baby that took what felt like ages to outgrow her newborn clothes. This picture is her at almost 5 months:
Here is my second little love at barely 2 months in the exact same outfit:
Maybe they won't be fighting over clothes after all.
Either way, it's sure going to be fun to find out.