When we were kids, pumpkin decorating was pretty straightforward. You grabbed the nearest knife, hoped it was sharp, and hacked away at your pumpkin hoping to create something that resembled the face of a jack-o-lantern. Now there are patterns, kits, characters - the possibilities are endless. With 3 pumpkins to work with we had some choices to make, and once I hit the Halloween isle choice #1 became pretty obvious: jewels!
I spent 10 minutes following Ava around the front yard, bejeweled pumpkin in hand, while she decided where to put it. After repeatedly explaining why the middle of the driveway was a bad idea, it eventually came to rest at the base of one of our trees. We admire it every time we leave the house.
Lila supervised.
And Ava appreciated her input.
Choice #2 didn't require a trip to the store at all. Paints, brushes, and glitter from the art bucket, and this creation was born:
The paint eventually became nothing more than a place to stick more glitter, which I think was a brilliant choice; everything is better with glitter.
Incidentally, our entire house is now covered in a fine layer of pink glitter that, unless we happen to eventually sell to a Las Vegas show act, is unlikely to increase the resale value.
Stay tuned for Choice #3.
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