Your Child on Stage; there may not be another 4 words in the English language that simultaneously thrill, and strike irrational fear into the hearts of parents quite like these. As with all things child-related, it's impossible to predict what they'll do when presented with a captive audience followed by the promise of cake. So you take your seat with all the other moms and dads, hold your collective breath, and wait. Because regardless of what happens, your kid is on stage. And that's pretty cool.
Such was the beginning of the Night of the Arts pageant put on last Friday at Ava's school. Andy, Lila and I took our seats, fully prepared to allow our girl to bow out at the first sign of stage-fright.
Lila was in charge of the program, which she declared delicious. |
Ava's class was first. They filed into the auditorium and made their way to the front, Ava on the end, and the music started.
It took about 30 seconds for her to decide that Divas belong front-and-center.
The laughs coming from the audience were for her, and that was all she needed to know. She sang, she danced - and briefly attempted to wear her skirt as a hat (she's 3; what can you do?). She was a hit.
We're proud of you, big girl. You were born to be a star.
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