In an effort to foster some of the freedom that comes with toddlerhood - and hopefully get Ava to try eating something that isn't a Cheerio - I decided to attempt a little experiment. I thought that perhaps if Ava had free reign over her food, then it might make it more interesting to eat. So, I warmed up some macaroni and cheese, gave her a spoon, and let her at it. The result? A bath, a clothing change, the taking apart and cleaning of the high chair, and - no surprise here - not a single noodle anywhere near her mouth. But boy did she enjoy herself.

In keeping with the theme of free will, I've also stopped putting Ava into toys that restrict her ability to move around the house as she pleases. No more stationary bouncers for her; its crawling and climbing and rolling around all the live-long day. And she has started using that newfound freedom to help around the house. For example, she recently rearranged the tupperware cabinet...

And reorganized the diaper bag...

I don't know what I'd do without her.
If you're thinking of hiring her for some projects in your house, forget it. Her hourly rate is outrageous.
I knew I should have gotten her some tupperware for her birthday!