I think we can cross "farmer" off Ava's list of potential career choices. Some friends invited us to spend an afternoon at Belleview Park, a fab little family paradise complete with petting zoo and miniature train. We started with the petting zoo, naively thinking Ava would see all the animals as big, fun dogs and enjoy sinking her little hands into their soft coats. Instead she kept a wary distance from the sheep and goat, and practically climbed me trying to get away from the pig. (In her defense, he was kinda gross.) She did however love the train, made a new friend (Hi, Josie!), and discovered the divine treat that is red licorice. All in all, a successful outing.

I'm guessing veterinarian is off the list as well.
That park is great. I was a little grossed out by the pig too. I didn't know you would have a pig at a petting zoo.