Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We all have to grow up some time.

Now before any of you are tempted to get your knickers in a twist and start shouting things at me like, "Grow up!?! She's only 6 months old!! What's wrong with you??", relax. I'm not talking about Ava, I'm talking about me. We reached another family milestone over the weekend, but this time it was all mine: I left home for an entire weekend all by myself. Thanks to the fact that Andy is an amazing father, and that Ava lights up like a Christmas tree every time he walks into a room, I honestly wasn't worried about them; I was concerned that I would spend Brandy's baby shower missing Ava so much that I'd be crying in a corner. You'll be happy to know that everyone made it to Sunday in one piece. This post is proof that I'm still kicking. I'm attaching a picture of Ava reading the latest People magazine so you know that she's no worse for the wear.

If you can believe it, our darling Ava is now 6 months old. She had her 6 month doctor's appointment, and is 15lbs, 13oz, and 27in long. That puts her in the 95th percentile for height (yep, you read that right). Our girl is tall and skinny. Big surprise. :)

Ava is reaching all her milestones right on time, so to keep things going Andy and I are trying to start coaxing her to crawl. The techniques I've been trying are as follows:

1) The Demo. I don't think this technique requires any description, but I'll bet you're wishing you had a camera hidden in our living room right about now.

2.) The Assist. This involves placing Baby's hands and knees in optimum crawling position. It's often followed by The Demo.

3.) The Dangling Carrot. Also known as The Tough Love. Basically, you put a favorite toy just out of reach and hope that's incentive enough for Baby to get moving.

So far, nothing. We'll keep you posted. Ava finds this whole process exhausting.


  1. Awww! Cuteness. WOW she is TALL! I think Johnny is only 32 inches?!? I love that she is reading People mag!

  2. We found our cell phone to work well! :)
