Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"I love all that you will be, and everything you are."

I stole that quote from one of the girls' favorite books: "How Do I Love You?", by Marion Dane Bauer. Every time I read these words to them I'm struck not only by how true they are, but how wonderful it is - and how lucky I am - to watch these two beautiful little people grow. Every day they become a little more of who they are, and who they are is lovely. I can only imagine what they will be.
Ava just turned 4, and who she is, is pretty amazing. My girl is smart, loving, clever, sociable, and hilariously imaginative. And Big Sister knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go get it. That last part actually made planning her 4th birthday party pretty fun. Her requests were simple and clear: cake, decorations, and balloons, all with a Tinker Bell theme. We were happy to oblige.
Tinker Bell bounce house, check...

Tinker Bell cake (and the pure joy of listening to your name being sung by a room full of people) check...

Super-cool gifts that included sparkly dress-up clothes and pink high heels - well, those were just a bonus.

The kids had a ball, and the birthday girl went to bed exhausted and happy. A great party by any standard.
Stay tuned for Day 2 of the birthday extravaganza.                                                                

1 comment:

  1. Tinkerbell! I wish I could have been there. I think a special Tinkerbell tutu might be heading her way! :)
