Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Day in the Life (cont.)

Ava loves to be in the kitchen with me. I'm so looking forward to the day (in the not-so-distant future, I hope) that she'll be able to help me measure flour, and tear fresh basil, but in the meantime she's content to sit on the floor playing with the tupperware while I cook. She opens the cabinet, pulls out everything within arm's reach, and has recently decided that plastic bowls make fabulous hats. The funniest part is watching her try on various sizes until she settles on her favorite, then parades around the house in that day's winner.

Sometimes she even brings me one to wear.

Food is still a bit of a battle with Ava, so I'm always on the lookout for anything that she'll eat. I'd love to feed her mountains of organic fruits and veggies, with a healthy side of brown rice. But since she'd rather starve to death than eat any of that, I'm reduced to serving up daily plates of macaroni and cheese, peanut butter sandwiches, and waffles. (Not together, of course.) But every now and again my girl will surprise me. She likes to eat guacamole with a spoon (but not avocado. Go figure.), and yesterday shocked me by repeatedly digging into a bowl of hummus, mumbling a heartfelt, "yummm" with each messy bite. I love that she always keeps me guessing.

Ava was invited to a birthday party recently, and in the gift bag was a sheet of Tinkerbelle stickers. I didn't think much about them until I ran across them in a drawer a couple of days ago, and to her delight started pulling them off the backing one by one the sticking them to her legs and arms. They were soon plastered all over the living room and, figuring I'd just deal with them after bed time, called Grandma Sally on skype to chat. As toddlers do, Ava soon tired of talking and scooted off to play. I looked up to see this...

Andy says this looks like a mug shot. I just think it's hilarious.

Have a great week!

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