Sunday, February 20, 2011

You must've been a beautiful baby.

Ava is a Girl.  And yes, I realize this has become a recurring theme in this blog.  It has also become a recurring theme in our house.  With each passing day it becomes more and more apparent that we are not dealing with a tomboy here.  She's spends her days nurturing her dolls and stuffed animals with kisses and cuddles, "talks" on anything that even remotely resembles a phone, and now turns anything shiny into jewelry.  If it fits on her wrist it's a bracelet; if she can get it over her head, she's found a new necklace; and if I happen to leave my earrings laying around, she does her best to stuff them in her ears.  It's just who she is.  And it's damn cute. 

Yesterday she decided to style her hair with the help of some Sesame Street stickers. 

(But just to prove that she is, in fact, my baby, she also loves her books.  Gorgeous AND brilliant.  Mama is proud.)

And to further illustrate my point, I'll tell you again that Ava loves to talk.  In full sentences, no less. Now, we don't yet understand all of what she has to say, but that doesn't stop her.  As long as each of her declarations is met with a heartfelt, "Oh really??", she is happy.  The only person that seems to understand her every word is Ollie. 

He listens attentively, and even laughs at intervals.  They seem to have a language all their own.  Thanks to Lisa for this picture; have you ever seen anything sweeter?

Tumbling lessons start this week, so much more fun to come!

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